February 2017 Highlights

I love doing this each month. These images are just of our every day life, and scenes and light that inspire me. I hope you enjoy! We love listening to Dave Stamey radio on Pandora. Dusty and Pake love having sleepovers on the weekend. They play legos and army men for hours together.The antelope were on the move, and we just happened to be going to the hot pool.Chris cooked salmon for lunch. It is one of our favorite meals right now. Elizabeth loved it.Dusty being silly because the camera is out.Chris helping Dusty with his homework. We do lots of pretests throughout the week to prepare for his spelling test on Thursday.Aunt Polly sent the kids each a quilt this month. Fischer helping haul some firewood. I love the light in the morning when the sun starts to rise  over the mountain.Dusty and Elizabeth wanted to help make waffles on Sunday morning.


Dusty Christopher


Kelly and Jerica | Married