Williams Family visits Florida

As promised I've created a video using music of our trip to Florida last year. I licensed the music from Songfreedom. The group is called Dawn and Hawkes, and I just used the instrumental version. I included footage of Great Grandpa Pres because we stopped to see him in Cheyenne, WY on our way to the airport. I was doing my best to hold my gargantuan camera still while he talked to the kids. This kind of footage is precious, and out ways any technical difficulties I had holding my camera still.We then flew from Denver to the Fort Myers Airport in Florida. We spent a week with Grandpa George and Grandma Susie is Rotonda, Florida.My favorite beach is by far Boca Grande, so there is lots of footage from there. We are planning to return in March. Hooray!Hope you enjoy!FinalBocaGrande from Kate Williams on Vimeo.


Mike & JoRae


Conversations with Elizabeth