Shoot Me 7/52 Peony & Keeping it Real

I have been thinking about something for awhile. I have come to the conclusion that my clients appreciate my honesty about my life as a rancher's wife with 3 boys. I used to fret that it was unprofessional to admit to the fact that I spent a couple of hours the other day scrubbing finger paint off of my deck or that I have to clear my yard of plastic backhoes and dumptrucks so that my lawn tractor can make it through to water my grass....I don't think it anymore. I have come to believe in 'keeping it REAL' as the Pioneer Woman would say.I think my clients as well as my friends and family appreciate this honesty.They come to me knowing that I understand the chaos and mess and wonderfulness (this is a Kate word) of living with little ones.I decided to just have one website for my business and personal pictures and thoughts. For one it is just easier for me as a busy mom to update one blog, and also I believe it gives people a chance to see me in real life.I truly believe that my photography is a direct reflection of my everyday life. The shots I choose to post...the shots I choose to take are all a reflection of my everyday life.As I wrote on my bio page life is messy and chaotic and stressful and painful and wonderful and touching and beyond amazing. If we can find the beauty of a moment even though the kids are crying, the mosquitoes are buzzing and the wind is whipping that it is what makes a picture special!So without further adieu here I am in my "gardening clothes and hat" with my mama. She came last week on Thursday and just left on Tuesday morning.3 years ago she helped me plant a peony...every year since then I have faithfully watered that peony in hopes that it would bloom someday.The day we drove up with my mom, sister Emily, baby Caleb Ross, Meagan (my youngest sister), baby Dusty and me there it peony had bloomed for the first time. My mom and I saw it for the first time together. It was so special, and we decided right then to head back to my favorite greenhouse to buy a couple more peonies. We planted them together, and I hope that when they do bloom in a couple of years my mom can be there to see it!Thank you Meagan for taking this picture of us together. The wind was whipping, but it didn't stop us from planting. 


Summertime Memories


Great Grands