Twin Teaser
Okay that wasn't very nice was it! If you scroll down I have some more pictures of their faces. A few things I learned about Miss Anna is that she does not really like a pacifier, and when she is really sleeping you can move her just about anywhere and she will not wake up.
A few things I learned about Kenneth is that he does like a pacifier. He also loves to be held by his mama, and he is very aware when he is not being held.
Oh and Ken loves to hold his ears when he is all curled up and sleeping. I have lots more to share, but couldn't resist posting a couple.
Thanks so much Mike & Diane for giving me this opportunity to take pictures of your twins.They are beautiful, and I just can't wait to post the rest. I have lots more of them together and apart as well as some fun ones of Buddy.The Rancher's Wife Kate