I'm taking part in a 52 Week Project with 17 other photographers from across the World. The 52 Week Project has been set up to have a new theme every week, and then each photographer interprets the theme and posts their beautiful picture every Friday at 9AM CST.Our theme this week is motions. The first week we took a self portrait, the second week our theme was shades of red, the third week our theme was warmth & the fourth week our theme was signs.It really is amazing to see how each photographer interprets the theme. You will also see some amazing photographs from these ladies so be sure to click on the link at the bottom of this post to see the next photographer.This week our theme was "motions." Unfortunately, I've had this kinda week. Our hot water heater broke about a week ago, and the hard drive on my computer went kaput. The hot water was fixed today. HOORAY FOR HOT SHOWERS!!!I took my computer in on Monday with the hope that it would be fixed in time to be able to work my pictures for the theme this week.It didn't happen. I plan to pick it up tomorrow, and then I will be able to post my "motions" pictures.Motions take computer was fixed! HOORAY Here are the pictures I meant to post this morning. Since the motions of the weather look like this...
The motions of my life look like this...
Now head over and check out Jessica Richter, Doniphan, NE child photographer's blog to see how she interpreted the theme this week!