Mama's Treasures

I found this on the deck a few days ago.I don't know if any of you occasionally give your cat/dog leftovers, but I do. That morning we had boiled eggs on toast (if you look closely you will see where my toaster burnt a little edge of the toast). Our cat also has a tendency to bring dead birds and place them on the mats right in front of our sliding glass doors. I have been sweeping lots of bird feathers off of our deck. So the other morning I dressed the boys to go outside and play! We have been trying to soak up the sunshine.The Rancher came home to pick them up, and pointed this out to me. I didn't even notice it. I laughed out load when I saw it, and then immediately grabbed my camera.The boys had taken the leftovers from breakfast and made something beautiful (at least in my eyes)!Also I love it when they bring me dandelions, grass and little flowers they have found outside in our yard or at the park.I don't want to forget their little gifts.Also don't forget about the giveaway I am having to celebrate my new blog. Just look under Categories/Giveaways at the top of this page to learn more about it. It will end May 24, 2010 so you still have time to enter.The Rancher's Wife Kate 




Little Cowboys & Little Cowgirls