Yesterday I hit the 33 week mark in my pregnancy. We only have 6 weeks until we meet the newest member of our family.It is going to be a big change & transition for all of us. We are excited to finally meet her face to face. I can't believe that I'm almost done being pregnant. It has gone fast although there have been days where I couldn't find my pillow fast enough.I won't miss the heartburn, pregnancy induced carpal tunnel or uncomfortable feeling of having my stomach and bladder squished.I will miss feeling her kick.I'm wondering if I will still crave boiled eggs once she is here? I guess there are worse things to crave.I still need to pack my hospital bag, and plan to start doing that today! Her nursery is about done...just a few finishing touches. Her theme is butterflies, and it sure has been fun to buy 'girly stuff.'I also have a 'nesting' list of projects for my husband. I know he is thrilled...replacing light bulbs & washing our elk chandelier & helping me move stuff. Hooray! We have had lots of sand, camo & blue in our household over the past seven years. I'm sure baby girl will be happy to join her brothers in all of their 'muddy play,' but it will be fun to have a bit of pink thrown in the mix.I'm also looking forward to capturing her playing with a doll or two & maybe even a kitchen set.Now head over to Gretchen's blog to see her take on the theme this week.