Remember This...
Yesterday May 26, 2010 the boys decided we needed to cover a dead bird that my cat brought up on the deck. Fischer told me that he was "not going to be the cat's friend anymore." Two best friends looking at Where's Waldo after they came in from covering the dead bird. Hazy has a little toy backhoe sitting between his legs that he found outside in the mud. We had to bring it in and wash it off. The boys have gotten in the mud almost every day this week. It is not uncommon to see lots of little boy clothes tossed all over my deck. I usually strip them off outside, and then take them straight to the bath while saying "do not touch anything!"
On Sunday May 23, 2010 it was Bama's Birthday. The boys were really excited to make her a cake and blow out her candles.
It was also the day of Aunt Emily's baby shower.
and the day that my Dad was able to see/hold Dusty for the first time.