Early Bird Special for 2017 and My FIRST Open House
I'm excited and nervous about my first open house at Laura M Backroom's store in Saratoga, Wyoming.I've taken images of ranch life, Elk Mountain and the Platte Valley for many years now. These images are very special to me. It is always nerve racking to put yourself out there, and I have butterflies right now as I'm typing this post.I'm hoping that this post will be shared, and that people will come to see my work on December 10th. Her store is located at 102 West Bridge Avenue (and the way my brain is wired it is just down from Hi Tech Auto and the radio station). She is having an open house from 1-5 pm, and it will be the first day she will showcase my prints in her store. The Christmas Parade is in the afternoon as well.I would love it if you stopped by the store. My prints would make great Christmas presents. Hint Hint As a way of saying thank you to everyone who has supported my small business I'm offering an Early Bird Special until the end of the year. It is not taken lightly that you choose to spend your hard earned money on my photography. It is appreciated. Thank you for your support.I don't have many sales throughout the year so this is a chance for anyone who has been interested in my photography to book a date for pictures at the ranch for 2017. I will leave the sale open until December 31st. I do have certain dates that are not available due to my responsibility to the ranch, and time spent with my family. I also do not work on Wednesday evening or Sundays. Early Bird Special : $350.00 (usually $1100 Value) An Hour Long SessionHeld at the ZN Ranch with Elk Mountain in the background, other beautiful locations throughout the ranch25 FULL resolution images delivered to you from our sessionWeb sized images included for sharing on social media*a 6% sales tax will be addedfeel free to email me with any questions you might have at rancherswifesphoto@carbonpower.net