Our Summer List

 I want to try to make the most of our summer.It seems we wait all winter for summer, and then we are too tired and too busy to do certain things.Fischer is already 4 years old, and soon he will head to school. I want to make the most of our time right now when our boys are young.My list for this summer:Roast Marshmellows out on the deck with our chimineaGo Camping (we are considering buying a camper, but even if we don't I want to break out the tent!)Sit out on the deck and look at the stars while eating popcornLots of picnics at East ForkPlay in the sprinkler and even take the time to blow up our little kiddie poolLots of popsicles, lots of lemonade and enroll the boys in swimming lessons againI have other little projects I want to finish around our yard too.I am sure I will add to my list as the summer goes on.This coming weekend we are going to meet my entire family in a nearby state (it has been way to long since I've seen them!...Aunt Emmy will travel with us too).Then the next week is convention. That is a time we look forward to all year, and now it is right around the corner.Hope you all have a busy summer and accomplish lots of things on your to do list.Love, Kate


Adding to my Summer List


Ranch Life