
Today marks the beginning of a week long celebration of beauty.I've been thinking of doing something like this for awhile now. It is my way of finding inspiration where I live.This time of year our weather is extremely unpredictable. It is pouring rain right now as I type. We don't have any pastel colors to photograph. Our tulips have just started to peek out of the ground. Spring is really known as the 'mud season' around here.Everyone wears bog boots, and just counts on sweeping huge chunks of dried mud from boots off of their decks.Still there is beauty to be found. It may not be like the ocean pictures you see or the blooming cherry trees... I sometimes take it for granted because I look out my window everyday at it.This week starts a project I hope to continue from now on. It is my way of reminding myself about the beauty all around me. I hope this project will inspire others to do the same.What is it about your area that makes it beautiful to you?I asked two lovely girls to help me with this project. They were so great to work with. They dealt with unpredictable weather, my bad driving over muddy dirt roads and were very nice when I tripped over dried cow pies (wearing bog boots!) or in one instance laid on one to capture that perfect shot!Today we start the celebration of beauty with wind because anyone who has ever lived in Wyoming knows that wind is pretty much a constant thing.It is shocking when it is still. I've found that I better learn to love it or I will just go crazy.Here is my little tribute to the beauty of Wyoming Wind.Hope You Enjoy!


Wide Open Space

