Mother Earth
I'm participating in a 52 week project with 17 other photographers. We have a theme each week, and post a picture every Friday at 9AM Est.Our theme this week is mother earth.If you are interested in reading more about our themes each week click here.Every spring we drive down our county road to watch the sage chickens strut. They choose the same spot every year to strut. It is hysterical to watch the male sage chickens 'strut their stuff' for the female sage chickens' attention. They make funny sounds, fan their feathers & try to pick a fight with any other male sage chicken that is in the area.The fight is nothing to worry about though.They sort of just slap each other with their wings. It reminds me of a british comedy. The two males will just sit staring at each other for what seems like an eternity, and then finally one of the birds will slap out with their wings.....touche....touche....they seem to say after the whole little wing slapping is over!Instinct leads them here to 'strut their stuff,' and I hope they continue to do it for years to come. It has become a springtime tradition for our family to drive down our county road to watch them.Now head over to Coastal Bend photographer Kelly Whatley's blog to see her beautiful picture.