Katie's Field
When I was a young girl I had a slight obsession with Anne of Green Gables.In middleschool I actually wrote letters to Anne with an e and all of my journal entries started with Dear Anne.I would sit among the flowers and think of poems to write just like Anne.I guess you could say I have always been a little "artsy fartsy" (sorry this is just the way my mom describes me!). Today was the day that I found my "little field." It is slightly ironic that it sits right next to my house...and I didn't even know how perfect it was for pictures until today. Our old white house used to sit in this spot! We decided to tear it down because as Fish said it was "mousie and buggie."After the boys and I finished mowing the front yard, we headed over to check on my trees and see the lilacs. That is when I saw all of this beautiful hay/grass growing in the "little field" next to our house. I just can't wait to take pictures in it...I have some really fun photo sessions coming up and you can bet there will be plenty of pictures in my "little field" near the house.I can't wait to show you how lovely it will be all lit up.I had to include some pictures of my boys too...I just can't help it.The Rancher's Wife Kate